Cohabitation Nation

Friday, November 28, 2003

Holiday Gifts |

Looking for the perfect gift for the unmarried couple in your life? Or maybe the one who is considering cohabitation? Pick up a copy of Unmarried to Each Other or one of these fine items from the Alternatives to Marriage Project store.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

"When you first move in together, you're not just in love, you're on the threshold of a new life, and a new way of living." -Ikea |

Thanksgiving wrap-up:

Congrats to David Micah Greenberg on the publication of a very kuhl book of poetry, Planned Solstice.

Congrats to JA and RS on their engagement.

Congrats to Pariah and Strawberry Blonde on their cohabitation. I don't know either of them personally, but they turned up in my search for "thanksgiving cohabitation."

How many people will tell their parents they are planning to live together over the Thanksgiving dinner table this year? If anyone has tales to report, send them my way.

This Friday would be a good time to go shopping at Ikea or Buy Nothing. Your choice.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Massachusetts High Court: Same-sex couples are legally entitled to wed! |

Associated Press story. GLAD.
Massachusetts Freedom to Marry.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

You can't be 29. Only 30. |

G. writes in response to this post: "Soon after turning 29, I grew so weary of trying to convince people that I was 29, no really, 29, that I just gave up and told everybody I was 30. It was worth being 30 for 22 months to avoid that obnoxious nudge-nudge, wink-wink men give women about saying they are 29."

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Cohabitation Nation Sparks Discursive Explosion |

Speaking of phrases in google, I introduced the phrase "discursive explosion" in a September 2 post. LS, who probably didn't read The History of Sexuality, Volume I in his undergraduate days at Brown, but surely reads Cohabitation Nation now, incorporates it on 9/12 and again on 11/4.

Who ranks #1 in google for the phrase now? The late Michel Foucault? Me? No, LS of course, although this post might change the results.

"Epic," we might say, although is a word that's unlikely to cause a discursive explosion anytime soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Agitation of cohabitation |

A clever San Francisco Chronicle headline writer coins a new phrase, which has never before appeared in google: "the agitation of cohabitation."
