"Cohabitation is everywhere. Living together may once have been scandalous, but today it's the way most people begin partnered life with the person
they love." - From the introduction to Unmarried To Each Other
News and commentary about cohabitation, marriage, and other topics of interest.
Congratulations to my friends Gail and Betsy, Robyn and Peg, Liz and Amanda and hundreds of other couples on their legal marriages in Massachusetts.
Congrats to Abigail Garner for the well-deserved coverage of Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is.
Congrats to Lockhart Steele on The Villagerprofile, that captures the great essence of LS so well, as in: “I like cranking out words"; "I still lament its demise"; and “It’s just a fun little world.”
More on the unmarried vote: "Heads of households are becoming increasingly unmarried. In the 1950s, 80% of households were headed by married people, now it's a 50-50 split. There is a whole growing group of people on the sidelines of our democracy. The numbers literally jump out at you," says Page Gardner.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Cohabitation Vote: Now is the time to register
| Posted
11:57 PM
Want to see change in the U.S.? Collectively, the voice of 86 million unmarried adults can help bring about a world more supportive of family diversity. Once election day arrives, it'll be too late to register to vote. If you're not already registered, it's quick and easy to do so today.
I stumbled across the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network tonight and was surprised and impressed by how much the asexual community has grown. Founded by a Wesleyan student, the site boasts active message boards and an informative FAQ. Further reading here and here.